#106 No More 10 out of 12s

Theatre is back and so is the podcast! This week, we return from a long hiatus to cover a topic that is being discussed in theatres around the country: the elimination of 10 out of 12 tech rehearsals and the move to a 5 day work week. Cory sits down with organizers from nomore10outof12s.com to chat about the questions and concerns many have shared regarding a shift to the way shows have traditionally been created. Joining us for the chat are Rachel Spencer Hewitt, Lindsay Jones, Regina Garcia, Tajh Oates, Bradley King, and Pirronne Yousefzadeh. The group covers a wide range of topics including how many 10/12s are actually allowed for each contract, which kinds of weeks (rehearsal, tech, performance) could benefit the most from a 5 day week, whether fewer hours/days would mean less income, the impact a schedule change could have on out-of-town residencies, how to convince theatres to examine these ideas after 18 months of no ticket sales, and how some theatres are already adopting this changes. It can’t happen overnight, and each theatre needs to examine the needs and realities for each specific production, but hopefully, this episode can help answer some questions you may have and encourage you to continue the conversation. Enjoy!
